Fullstack Developer with knowledge of REST APIs at AIGecko

November 27, 2022
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Job Description

€21k – €30k • No equity

We are hiring at LogMeal! ( www.logmeal.es )

We build image-based food recognition solutions and we need a person willing to take part in this venture. Our young startup seeks talented and motivated people. You can be part of the team and see our company grow with your help! We need somebody that is passionate about technology and software, eager to learn and develop in a young and dynamic environment.

This makes you our dream candidate:

  • You have at least a Bachelor’s degree in IT with an interest for IoT, APIs, cloud and data management.
  • Learning is in your DNA; you’re always acquiring knowledge on new technologies.
  • Back-end knowledge and experience with Python, Flask and SQL.
  • Front-end knowledge and experience with Javascript, HTML, CSS.
  • You have experience in CD/CI pipelines and in Docker and Docker-Compose.
  • You’re familiar with REST API’s and common authentication methods.
  • Communication skills are necessary in order to translate the business processes into technical integrations.
  • You’re a teamplayer; creative, flexible, responsible and likes to take initiative.

What are we looking for?
Our young startup seeks talented and motivated people. You can be part of the team and see our company grow with your help!, passionate about technology and software, eager to learn and develop in a young and dynamic environment, graduates in Computer Engineering, Telematics Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Software Engineering or similar. We are looking for people with passion for creating quality software and with great customer orientation. With creativity and proactivity to solve different challenges every day.

What we offer:

  • Be part of a multicultural team with the most qualified professionals, who will accompany and guide you in your day-to-day work.
  • Work on technologically advanced and highly challenging projects for clients who are leaders in their sectors.
  • To have a customized training plan that will allow you to continue developing both personally and professionally with us.
  • To have a personalized follow-up of your career, with periodic performance reviews accompanied by salary reviews.
  • Work in a dynamic and flexible environment

Hours work time: Full-time job (8h/day). Flexibility on the working hours but with some specific requirements: you must be available for a daily team meeting at 10:00 CET (SPAIN time). The time could be changed +/- 1 h if absolutely needed for your timezone. A minimum of 5 working hours per day must be shared with head office hours which are 09:00 – 18:00 CET.

LogMeal is an AIGecko Technologies division for AI & Deep Learning for Food Recognition.